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Thai Language Translation services


At the gateway of Far East, Thailand has never been invaded or governed by a European or foreign power. It is primarily due to this reason that any other language has not been able to gain prominence in Thailand. Although English is mandatory as a subject at most schools nowadays, but the number of fluent speakers in Thailand continues to be extremely low, especially in the areas away from the capital city Bangkok.

This above fact makes professional and accurate language translation services indispensible when doing business with Thailand. Thai is considered a difficult language to translate having an own unique script and language pattern and In translation business, Thai translation poses a challenge to translation services providers. A deep understanding of Thai culture heritage as well as the language is imperative for successful Thai translations.

About Thai language

Thai language has a unique script based on the Khmer group of languages and no external links with outside languages have been found to relate it with any other language. A translator of Thai language has to face the linguistic challenge of Thai being a tonal language. Similar sounding Thai words have totally different meanings based on the narrators tone. Thai is a language which uses 5 distinctive tones. Some words have distinctive high, mid, low tones while others are pronounced with a rising or falling tone. The rules of the Thai language are required to be completely understood by a good Thai translator.

Similar to most other languages, many different dialects of the Thai language are used in different parts of Thailand. The main dialect of the language is the Standard Thai spoken by the ethnic majority, along with their own regional dialects. Usage of Thai language is segregated on the basis social stature or rank. The most commonly used Standard Thai dialect is made up of several distinct registers / forms/ levels, which consist of different qualifying nouns, pronouns and verbs, which are to be used in accordance to different social contexts.

  • Street Thai: The informal form of Thai, as is used between friends and family /relatives.
  • Elegant Thai: also including the use of respectful terms of salutation; used in newspapers.
  • Rhetorical Thai: mainly used for public discourse and speaking.
  • Religious Thai: which is used while discussing Buddhism or addressing to Buddhist monks.
  • Royal Thai: is specifically used when addressing the royal family members of Thai Kingdom or describing activities related to them.

Most Thai people usually speak only the first two levels mentioned above, though they can understand the other levels too. A professional Thai translator however, must have an in-depth knowledge complete in the different sets of vocabularies and precise understanding with which they are to be correctly used, pertinent to the social context at hand.

Since Thai language is hard to translate, it is imperative to use services provided by a translation service provider that is well experienced and well-versed in Thai translations for your business needs. It is advisable to employ a translation company with global presence and a team of Thai speakers, who are familiar with not only the Thai language specifics but also the socio-cultural nuances.

A dedicated project manager coordinates the whole Thai translation process right from the beginning of the interaction to end and also allocates to the project the most appropriate Thai translators based on the context of the translation required. All work done by the Thai translations is subsequently proofread by editors to ensure accuracy.

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