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Our translation services for the Gaming industry include games, apps, websites and more. We have native translators in more than 150+ language pairs, which allows us to provide the level of expertise you need in your Gaming project.
Our translators are native speakers and experienced games translators, who provide high-quality translations into 150+ language pairs.

At Lingo Chaps, we are committed to providing professional translations of the highest calibre for any kind of global gaming project. We offer our superior service at affordable prices.

To help you deliver world-class gaming experiences, we apply our industry expertise to split your products into multiple languages and translate them into native formats through creative solutions and agile/effective localization processes.

Our translators are experienced in gaming-related terminology, filled with excitement to participate in the creation of new lines of games and are constantly following new trends.

Samples before placing orders.

We have a huge database in over 80+ languages, please feel free to ask for samples before you assign the project. Charges vary depending on the artist you select.

High quality Human Voiceovers

Highly skilled people operate under very detailed guidelines that require excruciating attention to detail. We use Professional Human voices for our clients projects.

We guarantee delivery on time.

To deliver high-quality Voiceover projects in the shortest amount of time, we have developed a unique workflow methodology that leverages the Internet, geographic location, and the professionalism of top minds.